Oceanic Impact in the Media

Women-Led Impact Startups at Collision 2023
June 2023
5 women-led impact startups can be found at Collision this year…

Canadian Wildlife Magazine: An Ocean of Impact
May + June 2023
How one landlocked kid with a passion for the environment grew up to become a prodigious advocate for cleaning up our seas.
Lisa Chen grew up hundreds of kilometres from an ocean. But like
many other landlocked Canadians, she fell in love with the sea watching nature…
ISSIP 2023 Excellence in Service Innovation Award Program Awardees
April 2023
Innovation: Oceanic Impact – Redefining the Marine Debris Supply Chain
Summary: This service innovation is unique in concept, business model, and execution. Founded upon the need to increase waste diversion and creating a circular economy…
City of Toronto announces third cohort for its Women4ClimateTO Mentorship Program
March 2023
The City of Toronto has selected 11 local women to participate in the third cohort of its Women4Climate Toronto (W4CTO) Mentorship Program…
Lisa Chen, Oceanic Impact: a social enterprise aimed at making a positive impact on waterways through projects such as the Marine Way platform…
Sixty Idea and Early Stage Startups Shortlisted for the 2022 Ocean Startup ChallengeÂ
October 2022
Marine Way seeks to redefine the marine debris supply chain by focusing on finding solutions for end-of-life fishing gear…
The world needs bright ideas. They’ve got them.
September 2022
Some of Atlantic Canada’s brightest minds are set to pitch scientific and social innovations with the potential to transform the world for the better — and you could have a front row seat…
Dal Innovates hosts third annual Ready2Launch Pitch Day
September 2022
This month, Dalhousie University is gearing up to present the third annual Ready2Launch Pitch Day event. On Sept. 22, 11 teams of researchers and entrepreneurs will gather from across Atlantic Canada to compete for up to $10,000 in cash prizes…
Ready2Launch Demo Day Sept. 22
September 2022
11 companies from the research commercialization accelerator will vie for a prize pot of $10K.
Dalhousie University will hold a demo day for the third cohort of its Ready2Launch accelerator September 22…
Interview with Lisa Chen, Founder of Lets Talk Butts
August 2022
In this episode, we talk to Lisa Chen, the founder of Lets Talk Butts Campaign, a global effort to eliminate cigarette butt litter.
Lisa and her team works together to not just eliminate cigarette butts from our environment…
The Ultimate Wildlife Gap Year Program with Lisa Chen, CCC Alum
May 2022
Have you ever thought about becoming a marine biologist? Perhaps you have an interest in this fascinating field, but can’t seem to find the resources or opportunities to further explore it. Well, you are in luck, because in today’s episode, Lisa Chen, a Marine Biology Conservationist, Educator and Entrepreneur, shares her story of working in the industry…
From poison in cigarette butts to fair futures
January 2022
Lisa Chen founded Let’s Talk Butts to provide social justice while cleaning up cigarette butt litter. She is also a dive master involved in marine conservation and research, environmental education, habitat protection and waste reduction and is the founder and CEO of Marine Way, an app-based solution for ghost fishing gear…
One Act at a Time: Stories of Change
July 2021
One Butt at a Time with Lisa Chen: Ep. 7 ft. Anita Lee
We interviewed Lisa Chen in this episode! Lisa is a marine biologist with a passion for the environment and for education, learn more about her Let’s Talk Butts…
Episode 4: Marine Conservation with “Let’s Talk Butts” Founder Lisa ChenÂ
April 2021
We have yet another CCC alumni! Lisa Chen is a marine biologist who is currently working on her master’s degree. Lisa has done some really cool work and she even started her own global environmental campaign “Let’s Talk Butts”. She tells us about what it’s like to work in all sorts of places as an ambassador for the ocean and teaches us that Canada isn’t as land-locked as one might think…
Episode 235: We Know More about the Moon Than the Ocean: A Conservation with Lisa ChenÂ
January 2021
Lisa Chen is a Marine Biology Professional. Chen has worked all over the world doing work in Thailand, Vietnam, Ontario, etc. Currently she is studying a Master of Marine Management at Dalhouise University. In our conversation we talk about Chen’s journey as a scientist, ongoing trends in marine biology, and her goals to be a…
Region of Peel Council MeetingÂ
September 2019
Lisa Chen, Canadian Conservation Corps Participant, Canadian Wildlife Federation, presenting issue regarding cigarette butt litter: why this should be tackled, proposed action plans, and benefits of these actions…